If you wish to migrate to the Netherlands as a highly-qualified worker, there are a number of possibilities, with different conditions. You can migrate as a highly skilled migrant, you may be eligible for the orientation year for highly educated persons or you may be the holder of an EU Blue Card.
There are certain conditions that apply to everyone. In addition, you and your employer have to meet the following conditions:
- you have an employment contract with an employer or research institution in the Netherlands. This employer is a recognised sponsor by the IND. Recognised employers are listed in the Public Register of Recognised Sponsors;
- you are going to earn sufficient income;
- the agreed wage is in accordance with market conditions.
Highly skilled migrants
If you wish to stay in the Netherlands as a highly skilled migrant, you will require a provisional residence permit (mvv) or/and a residence permit.
In addition, guest lectures, scientific researchers and medical trainee specialists are regarded as highly skilled migrants. In order to apply for a residence permit for a highly skilled migrant, the employer must be recognised by the IND as a sponsor. If you have the nationality of Turkey, a recognised sponsor is not mandatory. However, the procedure will progress more quickly if it involves a recognised sponsor.
You will need a provisional residence permit (mvv) and/or a residence permit. The provisional residence permit is a special visa for stays of more than three months in the Netherlands.
Not everyone needs a provisional residence permit to apply for a residence permit in the Netherlands. Other conditions apply to persons with the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and their family members.
Conditions to migrate to the Netherlands as a highly skilled migrant
Orientation year for highly educated persons
If you have completed a master's or post-master's programme or obtained a PhD at a designated international educational institution. A designated international educational institution is, at the moment of your graduation or PhD, listed in the top 200 of one of the general ranking lists or in the top 200 of one of the available ranking lists by subject - that corresponds with your field of study or research field - of the most recent Times Higher Education World University Rankings, the most recent QS World University Rankings, or the most recent Academic Ranking of World Universities (also known as the Jiao Tong Shanghai ranking).
The residence permit is issued for a maximum period of one year and will entitle you to seek suitable employment in the Netherlands. You then apply for a residence permit to seek and perform work in employment or otherwise.
If you do not live in the Netherlands, you will need a provisional residence permit (mvv) and/or a residence permit. The provisional residence permit is a special visa for stays of more than three months in the Netherlands.
As mentioned above, not everyone needs a provisional residence permit to apply for a residence permit in the Netherlands. Other conditions apply to persons with the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and their family members.
Conditions to migrate to the Netherlands for an orientation year for highly educated persons
EU Blue Card holders
The EU Blue Card is meant for employees who perform highly qualified labour within the European Union. A condition is that the national conditions for granting the EU Blue Card are met. In order to qualify for an EU Blue Card, employees must satisfy the wage and training requirements.
You will need a provisional residence permit (mvv) and/or a residence permit. The provisional residence permit is a special visa for stays of more than three months in the Netherlands.
Not everyone needs a provisional residence permit to apply for a residence permit in the Netherlands. Other conditions apply to persons with the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and their family members.
Conditions to migrate to the Netherlands as a holder of an EU Blue Card
Where and how to apply | Highly skilled migrants To travel to the Netherlands, you need a provisional residence permit (mvv). Your recognised employer submits an application both for an mvv and a residence permit at the same time. The forms are at the bottom of this page for your recognised employer. Your recognised employer sends the application form together with the required documents to the IND. This application costs € 345,00 (in 2022). More information about fees can be found here. For more information on how to enter the Netherlands as a highly skilled migrant, please check here, or contact your (future) employer as to the procedures to be followed. Orientation year for highly educated persons You apply for the mvv and the residence permit at the same time. This application costs € 207 (in 2022). More information about fees can be found here. For more information on how to enter the Netherlands for the orientation year for highly educated persons, please check here. EU Blue Card Your employer submits an application both for an mvv and a residence permit at the same time. The forms are at the bottom of this page for your employer. Your employer sends the application form together with the required documents to the IND. This application costs € 345,00 (in 2022). More information about fees can be found here. For more information on how to enter the Netherlands as the holder of an EU Blue Card, please check here, or contact your (future) employer as to the procedures to be followed. |
Documents required | Highly skilled migrants To apply for the Entry and Residence Procedure (TEV) or the residence permit as a highly skilled migrant, your recognised sponsor (employer) needs certain documents. Please check with your employer as to which documents are needed. You have to have official foreign documents legalised and translated into Dutch, English, French or German. Orientation year for highly educated persons The application form lists the documents you need for your application if you submit your application for a residence permit in the Netherlands. The application form lists the documents you need for your application under ‘3 Means of evidence’ and indicates how you can pay the costs in the appendix ‘Submitting and paying for the application by the foreign national’. If you apply for admission and residence for an orientation year as a highly educated migrant seeking employment from abroad, you can use this application form which is a single permit and includes the application for a provisional residence permit (mvv) at the Dutch representation abroad. Information on payment for the application is included in the form and additional letter. You have to have official foreign documents legalised and translated into Dutch, English, French or German. Your diploma does not have to be legalised. EU Blue Card Please check with your employer as to which documents are needed. You have to have official foreign documents legalised and translated into Dutch, English, French or German. |
Duration of validity of permits | Highly skilled migrants The period of validity of your residence permit is the same as the length of your employment contract or assignment. With a maximum of 5 years. Unemployment: If you become unemployed during this period, you are eligible for a search period of up to three months to find a new job as a highly skilled migrant. The search term cannot exceed the validity of your residence permit and is less than three months if your residence permit expires earlier. The search period begins on the day the contract is terminated. Procedure: if your residence permit is valid throughout the search period (and there is no notification of a new employer), you will receive an intention to withdraw the residence permit. Herein (or in the final withdrawal decision) granting the search period is recorded. Orientation year for highly educated persons The residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons is valid for a maximum of 1 year. To students completing several programmes of study, the orientation year can be granted after each programme of study or scientific research. You can therefore apply for another orientation year at a later date if this is done on the basis of another completed programme of study or scientific research. This programme of study or scientific research must have been completed after your previous orientation year. EU Blue Card The residence permit is valid for the duration of your employment contract or assignment with an additional 3 months. With a maximum period of 4 years. |
Further requirements | Upon arrival, you must:
Appeals | If the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) has rejected your application, this will be specified in an official letter (= Decision) from the IND. If you do not agree with the decision, you can register an objection to it, or authorise someone in the Netherlands to do so on your behalf. The official letter explains how to start the procedure for this. In some cases, the IND is not able to reach a decision in time. The IND may be in default. You can then send a written notice of default to the IND. If after having registered an objection, the IND has stated your objections to be unfounded, it is possible for you to appeal against this decision to the Dutch court. |
Further information | More on the admission as a highly skilled worker in the Netherlands More on the admission for the orientation year for highly educated persons in the Netherlands |
Extension of stay | Highly skilled migrants Is your residence permit due to expire soon? Apply for an extension. Orientation year for highly educated persons A residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons cannot be extended. If you wish to stay in the Netherlands, you will have to apply for a change of status. EU Blue Card If you wish to extend your stay, you must apply for this. The application for an extension of your residence permit can be submitted in writing. The IND will assess whether you meet the requirements for prolonging your stay. |
Change of status | Highly skilled migrants Has something changed in your situation that influences your residence permit? Please report this immediately to the IND. It may mean that the residence permit has to be changed. Orientation year for highly educated persons Have you found work? You can change your residence permit to a residence permit to work. You can, for example, apply for a residence permit as highly skilled migrant, start-up or work on a self-employed basis. Changing to a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant means a lower income requirement applies to you. This lower amount also applies if you switch to highly skilled migrant directly within 3 years after having graduated in the Netherlands. EU Blue Card Has something changed in your situation that influences your residence permit? Please report this immediately to the IND. It may mean that the residence permit has to be changed. |
Employment | Highly skilled migrants The back of your residence permit shows if you are allowed to work. Your residence permit states 'arbeid als kennismigrant en als zelfstandige toegestaan, andere arbeid toegestaan met TWV'. Having this residence permit means that you are allowed to work as a highly skilled migrant. In addition, you are allowed to work as a self-employed person. For all other work, your employer needs a TWV. Have you worked in the Netherlands for 5 years? Then you are free to work in the Netherlands. You do not need a TWV anymore. Orientation year for highly educated persons The back of your residence permit shows if you are allowed to work. You are free to work. Your residence permit states 'arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist' (work freely permitted, no work permit required). Have you enclosed a certified copy of a (foreign) diploma or the ‘Statement on completion of study’ with your application for a residence permit 'orientation year highly educated persons'? Then, you are free to work in the Netherlands while awaiting the decision on your application. You can collect a residence endorsement sticker at an IND desk. This sticker states 'arbeid vrij toegestaan, tewerkstellingsvergunning (TWV) niet vereist' (work freely permitted, no work permit required). To collect the sticker, you have to make an appointment online. EU Blue Card The back of your residence permit shows if you are allowed to work. Your residence permit states 'arbeid als kennismigrant en als zelfstandige toegestaan, andere arbeid toegestaan met TWV'. Having this residence permit means that you are allowed to work as a highly skilled migrant. In addition you are allowed to work as a self-employed person. For all other work, your employer needs a TWV. Have you worked in the Netherlands for 5 years? Then you are free to work in the Netherlands. You do not need a TWV anymore. |
Permanent residence | Highly skilled migrants If you have lawfully lived in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of five years and you have a valid residence permit for a non-temporary purpose of stay, such as highly skilled migrant, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. Certain conditions will have to be met in order to be eligible for permanent residence. Orientation year for highly educated persons It is not possible to qualify for permanent residence on the basis of a residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons. EU Blue Card Having had a residence permit for a period of 5 years, you may apply for a permanent residence permit. You can also apply if you fall under an exempt category. |
Family reunification | Highly skilled migrants As the holder of a residence permit as a highly skilled migrant, it is possible to bring your spouse, (registered) partner or minor child(ren) to the Netherlands. All information on residence permits for family members can be found here. Orientation year for highly educated persons As the holder of a residence permit for the orientation year for highly educated persons, it is possible to bring your spouse, (registered) partner or minor child(ren) to the Netherlands. All information on residence permits for family members can be found here. EU Blue Card As the holder of a residence permit as a holder of an EU Blue Card, it is possible to bring your spouse, (registered) partner or minor child(ren) to the Netherlands. All information on residence permits for family members can be found here. |