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EU Immigration Portal
Which ministry has overall responsibility?

Federal Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium für Inneres)

Are there other ministries involved? Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz)
The Ministry is responsible for policies related to labour market and employment law.
What are the implementing agencies? Austrian representation authorities

The provincial governors (Landeshauptmänner bzw. -frauen)

The regional administrative authorities (Bezirkshauptmannschaften)

The magistrate department (e.g. in Vienna: MA 35)
Public Employment Service Austria (Arbeitsmarktservice)

Are there general immigration policy papers? N/A
Are there impact assessments, studies and reports available? N/A

What is the key legislation?

Federal Constitution (B-VG).

General Social Insurance Act 1955 (ASVG).

Fee Act 1957 (GebG).

Act Governing the Employment of Foreign Nationals 1975 (AuslBG), as amended.

General Administrative Procedure Act 1991 (AVG).

Consular Tax Act 1992 (KGG).

Settlement and Residence Act 2005 (NAG).

Aliens' Police Act 2005 (FPG).

Asylum Act 2005 (AsylG).

Federal Office for Aliens Affairs and Asylum Procedure Act (BFA-VG).

Implementation Regulation to the FPG 2005 (FPG-DV).

Implementation Regulation to the NAG 2005 (NAG-DV).

Implementation Regulation to the AsylG 2005 (AsylG-DV).

Regulation Governing the Employment of Foreign Nationals.

Settlement Regulation (NLV).

What are the national scientific research and statistical offices on immigration?

Statistics Austria