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EU Immigration Portal

Which ministry has overall responsibility?

General migration policy

The Immigration Office, part of the Federal Public Service Interior, is responsible for the access to the territory, residence, establishment and return of foreign nationals. The Immigration Office grants authorisations to stay and issues visas and residence permits.

Economic migration policy

Economic migration is a regional competence since the State Reform of 2014. The regional departments grant authorisations to work and authorisations to exercise a self-employed activity. The departments of economic migration are part of:

Are there other ministries involved?


The Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation is responsible for Belgium’s external relations.

Its diplomatic and consular posts are responsible for receiving visa applications and delivering visas for collection.


The Federal Public Service for Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue ensures the balance between employees and employers in their employment relationship.

Its liaison office is responsible for providing information to employers and workers posted in Belgium about general questions regarding labour law.

Enterprise counters

The Federal Public Service (FPS) for the Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy creates the conditions for a competitive, sustainable and balanced functioning of the Belgian market of goods and services.

The FPS is responsible for the accreditation of the enterprise counters.

Education policy

The Communities are responsible for the general education policy.

Are there decentralised institutions involved?


The municipalities are responsible for the issuance of single permits to foreign nationals residing in their territory.

Enterprise counters

The accredited enterprise counters function as single points of contact for enterprises in Belgium.

The counters provide various services, including the issuance of professional cards to foreign nationals.

What are the implementing agencies?


Are there general immigration policy papers?

General Policy Note on Asylum and Migration by the State Secretary or Minister for Asylum and Migration

Annual Report ‘Migration in Figures and Rights’ by the Federal Migration Centre Myria

Are there impact assessments, studies and reports available?

Annual Statistical Reports by the Belgian Immigration Office

Annual Report on Migration and Asylum in Belgium by the European Migration Network Belgium

Annual Report ‘Migration in Figures and Rights’ by the Federal Migration Centre Myria

What is the key legislation?

Federal legislation

Law of 15 December 1980 on the access to the territory, residence, establishment and removal of foreign nationals (Immigration Act)

Royal Decree of 8 October 1981 on the access to the territory, residence, establishment and removal of foreign nationals


Decision of the Flemish Government of 7 December 2018 concerning the execution of the Law of 30 April 1999 on the employment of foreign workers


Decision of the Walloon Government of 16 May 2019 concerning the employment of foreign nationals and cancelling the Royal Decree of 9 June 1999

Brussels Capital Region

Decision of the Government of Brussels Capital Region of 16 May 2019 modifying the Royal Decree of 9 June 1999 concerning the employment of foreign workers

German-speaking Community

Decision of the Government of 23 May 2019 modifying the Royal Decree of 9 June 1999 concerning the employment of foreign workers

What are the national scientific research and statistical offices on immigration?

Federal Migration Centre Myria

Myria is an independent public institution with three mandates: informing the authorities about the nature and extent of migratory flows, protecting the fundamental rights of foreign nationals and promoting the fight against trafficking and smuggling of human beings.

European Migration Network Belgium

EMN Belgium, the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network, provides up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum to support policymaking at the national and EU level and to inform the general public.