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Which ministry has overall responsibility? Ministry of the Interior

The Ministry of the Interior is in charge of public security and police, internal administrative affairs, migration and integration.

Administrative  Internal Affairs, Migration and Naturalisation Directorate  
The Directorate consists of two Offices: The Administrative Internal Affairs and Naturalisation Office and the Migration Office. The Migration Office is in general responsible for:

  • developing, monitoring and implementing migration, international protection and integration policies;
  • developing and monitoring the implementation of migration  and internal protection law; and
  • deciding on complaints against the decisions of administrative units in residence permits procedures and  international protection procedures.

For more information please see: here.

Are there other ministries involved?

Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities is responsible for the areas of labour relations and rights, labour market and employment, family, social affairs, disabled and people with disabilities and equal opportunities.

Labour Market and Employment Directorate

The Labour Market and Employment Directorate's main responsibilities are labour market development and implementation of policies in the area of employment, unemployment insurance, professional standards, free movement of workers, education of adults and combating irregular work and employment.

It includes the Sector for Labour Migration, whose primary responsibility is to develop and implement policies relating to the work and employment of non-EU citizens in Slovenia. It also examines complaints against decisions of the Employment Service as regards work permit applications. For more information please visit  this page.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs inter alia represents Slovenia abroad and in international organisations, monitors international political and economic relations, and is responsible for the development of relations between Slovenia and other states and international organisations. The Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs protects the interests of the Republic of Slovenia, its citizens and legal entities abroad.

The Consular Division is also responsible for issuing visas to non-EU citizens. For more information see: here.

Ministry for Education, Science and Sports

The Ministry for Education, Science and Sports is responsible for education of pre-school children, basic education, music schools, secondary education and adult education institutions, higher vocational education, higher education, research, technology, metrology and promotion of the information society and sports.

For more information see: here.

What are the implementing agencies? Employment Service of Slovenia
The Employment Service of Slovenia issues work permits to non-EU workers. It also provides employment guidance and produces statistical and analytical studies and public information on the labour market. For more information see: here.

Are there general immigration policy papers?

Resolution on the Migration Policy of the Republic of Slovenia, Official Journal RS No. 106/2002, 6 December 2002.


Resolution on the Migration Policy of the Republic of Slovenia, Official Journal RS No. 106/2002, 6 December 2002.

Are there impact assessments, studies and reports available?


Most national reports are available on: here, but only in Slovenian.

What is the key legislation?

Resolution on immigration policy - ReIPRS (Off. Gazette RS, no. 40/99).

Resolution on migration policy - ReMPRS (Off. Gazette RS, no. 106/02).

Foreigners Act - ZTuj-2 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 1/18 - official consolidated text, 9/18 - amended and 62/19 - decision of the Constitutional Court)

Employment, Self-employment and Work of Foreigners Act - ZZSDT (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 1/18 - official consolidated text and 31/18)

Act on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Employment of Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Republic of Slovenia and the Protocol on the Implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina RS (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia - International Treaties, No. 14/12 and 6/17 - amended)

Act on Ratification of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on the Employment of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia in the Republic of Slovenia and the Protocol on the Implementation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 9/19)

What are the national scientific research and statistical offices on immigration?

Slovenian Migration Institute at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia