Business visitors for establishment purposes (BVEPs)
The categories of business visitors that qualify to obtain a long-stay visa (Art. 15, para 1, Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act) followed by a long-term residence permit are as follows:
- are willing to work as seconded experts or sent within the provision of services on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria upon permit by the bodies of the Employment Agency under the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act;
- carry out commercial activity in the country according to the legally established order, and, as a result of this activity, at least 10 full-time positions have been opened for Bulgarian citizens, maintained for the term of stay, unless agreed otherwise by an international agreement, ratified, promulgated and enacted in the Republic of Bulgaria, where the requirement shall apply to each partner separately; the same conditions shall apply to each manager individually;
- are representatives of a third-country trade company with a registered commercial representation in the Republic of Bulgaria (after check-up and evaluation of the submitted documents on the economic activity and tax integrity of the third-country company for a period of two years before the registration of the representation, as well as documents, regarding its planned activities, by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry). Note: a long-term visa/long-term residence permit may be obtained by no more than three representatives per third-country trading company;
- wish to carry out freelance practice upon permit by the bodies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in compliance with art. 44 and pursuant to the Labour Migration And Labour Mobility Act;
- have deposited no less than BGN 600 000 per each third-country national for acquiring ownership of real estate within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or the third-country national owns more than 50 % of the share capital of a Bulgarian trade company, has deposited the same amount in the capital of the company and as a result the company has acquired ownership of real estate in the country of this value. Note: by the date of submission of the application for a long-term residence, the third-country national or the legal entity must have paid the full amount in the account of a Bulgarian licensed credit institution, and, where the real properties are acquired with borrowed funds, the outstanding loans should not exceed 25 percent;
- have made an investment in economically disadvantaged regions within the meaning of the Investment Promotion Act by depositing in the capital of a Bulgarian company not less than BGN 250 000, provided that the third-country national is a partner or shareholder with registered shares and has no less than 50 percent of the share capital and, as a result of the investment, have acquired new tangible and intangible assets amounting to not less than BGN 250 000 and at least 5 new positions are opened for Bulgarian citizens for the residence period and this is verified by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
- have made an investment or increased their investment by acquiring:
- shares or bonds of Bulgarian commercial companies, traded on a regulated market or a multilateral trading system in the Republic of Bulgaria, at a market value of not less than BGN 2 000 000;
- rights under concession contracts on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria with a contract value of not less than BGN 1 000 000;
- shares or stocks with a value of not less than BGN 1 000 000 in collective investment schemes originating in the Republic of Bulgaria, operating in accordance with the Act on the Operation of the Collective Investment Schemes and of Other Undertakings for Collective Investment and provided that:
- the net asset value of each collective investment scheme is not less than BGN 5 000 000;
- the collective investment scheme has been licensed or authorised by the Financial Supervision Commission;
- their investment strategy is focused mainly on investments in shares and/or bonds under letter "a";
- shares or stocks with a value of not less than BGN 1 000 000 in alternative investment funds established in the Republic of Bulgaria, managed by persons, who manage alternative investment funds originating in the Republic of Bulgaria, operating under the Act on the Operation of the Collective Investment Schemes and of Other Undertakings for Collective Investment, and provided that:
- the assets of each fund are worth not less than BGN 3 000 000;
- the alternative investment funds and the persons managing the alternative investment funds are licensed or registered by the Financial Supervision Commission;
- their investment strategy is directed mainly at investing in Bulgarian assets and investing only in shares, stocks and bonds of Bulgarian companies, including joint stock companies with a special investment purpose;
- have invested in the country by depositing in the capital of a Bulgarian company an amount of not less than BGN 2 000 000 for a priority investment project implemented by the company, certified under the terms and conditions of the Investment Promotion Act, which is certified by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth;
- have invested the amount of at least BGN 6 000 000 in the capital of a Bulgarian company, which shares are not traded on a regulated market;
- have made an investment in the state by depositing in the share capital of a Bulgarian trade company no less than BGN 500 000, where the third-country national is a partner or shareholder with registered shares and owns more than 50 % of the share capital of the company and, as a result of the investment, have acquired new tangible and intangible assets amounting to not less than BGN 500 000 and at least 10 new positions are opened for Bulgarian citizens for the residence period and this is verified by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth. The Ministry of Innovation and Growth issues the certificate after motivation by the Bulgarian company of the need for residence of the third-country national for the implementation and maintenance of the investment;
- are in a possession of a certificate issued by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth for a high-tech and/or innovative project called "Startup Visa".
A long-term residence visa valid for up to one year and with a right of residence of up to 360 days may be issued to a third-country national who conducts research or is a student in training programmes for up to one academic year, trainee or probationer, third-country national seconded by a third-country employer for the performance of specific tasks related to the control and coordination of the implementation of a contract for tourist services, as well as a third-country national seconded by a third-country national employer for the implementation of investments certified under the Investment Promotion Act. Such a visa is also issued to members of the third-country national's family.
In order to obtain a long-term visa, the applicant should have secured and provide, besides the valid passport or other travel document, a proof of the establishment intention according to the respective category, proof of accommodation, obligatory health insurance, sufficient funds for maintenance, without the need to involve the social support system (in an amount not less than the minimal month salary pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria for the time-term of the stay). Third-country nationals who have a visa under Art. 15, para 1 may be granted a long-term residence permit upon submission of the relevant documents.
Short-term business visitors (STBVs)
A third-country national who enters the Republic of Bulgaria, depending on the purpose of the travelling, shall hold:
- a valid passport or a document for travelling substituting it, as well as a visa, where necessary;
- sufficient resources for providing his/her maintenance according to the duration and the conditions of the stay in the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as for returning in the state of their permanent residence (The extent of the financial resources – documents for provided accommodation or proof of sufficient funds to cover the costs of accommodation, at least 50 euros per day, for food costs – 50 euros per day, for returning in the state of their permanent residence – a minimal amount of 100 euros);
- health insurance and other insurances, in the cases where such insurances are required (the insurance shall cover the risks at a minimum of 30 000 euros);
- invitation in a legally binding form, where applicable;
- other documents, proving the purpose of the travel and the conditions of intended stay (no legally binding list, the document should provide proof of the purpose).
The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation
- Up to 3 months
Contractual service suppliers (CSSs)
Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay
- Visa type D.
Work permit requirements
- Work permit, issued by the Employment Agency.
Documentation required and conditions to be met
A prolonged residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals who have a visa type D and are sent within the provision of services on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria upon permit by the Employment Agency under the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act.
In order to acquire the right to a long-term residence, the third-country national shall produce in person in the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, which shall include:
- a copy of a valid passport, or a replacement document with the pages of the photo, the personal data, a copy of the visa type D, where applicable and the stamp of the last entry in the country; for comparison of the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or a replacement document shall also be produced;
- a confirmation of a paid state fee – 10 lv.;
- proof of a provided accommodation;
- obligatory medical insurance, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the person has not been insured under the AHI;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system in the amount not smaller than the minimal monthly work salary, the minimal scholarship or the minimal pension for the country, for the term of residence on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- a certificate showing no previous convictions, issued by the state, whose national the third-country national is, or by the state of his/her usual residence – in an initial submission of the application;
- a certified copy of the work permit, issued by the Employment Agency.
Where and how to file an application
- An application for a long-term residence permit shall be submitted personally to the Migration Directorate or Migration sector/group at the relevant district office of the Ministry of Interior.
Application fees and indicative processing time
- 500 lv.
- The application shall be examined and decided within the term of up to 14 days. In case of a legal or factual complexity and need of production of additional documents, this term may be extended by one month, about which the third-country national shall be notified in writing, by informing him/her that the needed documents and information are to be produced within a 14-day term. In case the additional documents and information are produced within the set term, the procedure shall be terminated and the application shall not be subject to re-examination.
The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation
- Permanently – one year.
Independent professionals (IPs)
Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay
- Visa type D.
Work permit requirements
- A permit for performing an activity as a freelancer, issued by the Employment Agency.
Documentation required and conditions to be met
A long-term residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals who have a visa type D and wish to carry out freelance practice upon permit by the Employment Agency in compliance with art. 44 and pursuant to the Labour Migration and Labour Mobility Act.
In order to acquire the right to a long-term residence, the third-country national shall produce in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, which shall include:
- a copy of a valid passport, or a replacement document with the pages of the photo, the personal data, a copy of the visa type D, where applicable and the stamp of the last entry in the country; for comparison of the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or a replacement document shall also be produced;
- a confirmation of a paid state fee – 10 lv.;
- proof of a provided accommodation;
- obligatory medical insurance, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the person has not been insured under the AHI;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system in the amount not smaller than the minimal monthly work salary, the minimal scholarship or the minimal pension for the country, for the term of residence in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- a certificate showing no previous convictions, issued by the state of citizenship of the applicant, or by the state of his/her usual residence – in an initial submission of the application;
- a certified copy of a permit for performing an activity as a freelancer, issued by the bodies of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
Where and how to file an application
- An application for a long-term residence permit shall be submitted personally to the Migration Directorate or Migration sector/group at the relevant district office of the Ministry of Interior.
Application fees and indicative processing time
- 500 lv.
- The application shall be examined and decided within the term of up to 14 days. In case of a legal or factual complexity and need of production of additional documents, this term may be extended by one month, about which the third-country national shall be notified in writing, by informing him/her that the needed documents and information are to be produced within a 14-day term. In case the additional documents and information are produced within the set term, the procedure shall be terminated and the application shall not be subject to re-examination.
The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation
- Permanently – one year.
Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay
- Visa type D, prolonged residence for 1 year.
Work permit requirements
- N/A
Documentation required and conditions to be met
- A prolonged residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals who have a Visa type D and:
- have deposited no less than BGN 600 000 per each third-country national for acquiring ownership of real estate within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or the third-country national owns more than 50 % of the share capital of a Bulgarian trade company, has deposited the same amount in the capital of the company and as a result the company has acquired ownership of real estate in the country of this value; by the date of submission of the application for long-term residence, the third-country national or the legal entity must have paid the full amount in the account of a Bulgarian licensed credit institution, and, where the real properties are acquired with borrowed funds, the outstanding loans should not exceed 25 percent;
- have made an investment in economically disadvantaged regions within the meaning of the Investment Promotion Act by depositing in the capital of a Bulgarian company not less than BGN 250 000, provided that the third-country national is a partner or shareholder with registered shares and has no less than 50 percent of the share capital and, as a result of the investment, have acquired new tangible and intangible assets amounting to not less than BGN 250 000 and at least 5 new positions are opened for Bulgarian citizens for the residence period and this is verified by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
- In order to acquire the right to a prolonged residence, the third-country national shall produce in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, which shall include:
- a copy of a valid passport, or replacement document with the pages of the photo, the personal data, a copy of the visa type D, where applicable and the stamp of the last entry in the country; for comparison of the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or a replacement document shall also be produced;
- a confirmation of a paid state fee of 10 lv.;
- proof of a provided accommodation;
- obligatory medical insurance, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the person has not been insured under the AHI;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system in the amount not smaller than the minimal monthly work salary, the minimal scholarship or the minimal pension for the country, for the term of residence on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- a certificate showing no previous convictions, issued by the state, whose national the third-country national is, or by the state of his/her usual residence – in an initial submission of the application;
- a document for investment from the Ministry of Innovation and Growth or apart from the cases, where documents are available in a lot of the relevant trade company in the Commercial register:
- a certifying document by a Bulgarian licensed credit institution for coming in an amount not smaller than BGN 600 000 for acquiring the right to ownership by a third-country national over immovable properties on the territory of the country or participation in the capital of the relevant trade company; in case of using borrowed funds, also a certifying document by a credit institution for the unpaid part of the loan, not more than 25%;
- a document for ownership of immovable properties on the territory of the country of a third-country national or a trade company;
- information about the costs of the trade company for acquiring immovable properties for the period after depositing the sum in the trade company capital, with copies of the contract for the sale (cost approving documents), a copy of the inventory book or amortisation plan, proving entry of long-term material assets or another document, certifying the value and the type of the acquired new immovable properties after depositing the sum.
Application fees and indicative processing time
- 500 lv.
- The application for a long-term residence permit shall be considered within 14 days of its submission under the conditions and procedure laid down in the Rules for the application of the Act. In cases of legal and factual complexity and the need to provide additional documents and information, this period may be extended by another month. The third-country national shall be notified in writing of an extension of the deadline, indicating in the letter that he/she should provide the necessary documents and information within 14 days of receipt of the letter. Where the additional documents and information are not submitted within the specified time limit, the proceedings for the issue of a long-term residence permit shall be terminated and the application shall not be re-examined.
The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation
- 1 year
Conditions for any available extensions or renewal
- The subsequent control of the circumstances under investment shall be performed by the Bulgarian Investment Agency and by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
Rules regarding accompanying dependents
- A long-term residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals who have a visa type D and are members of the family of a third-country national, who has received extended or permanent residence permit, when the documents, certifying the familial ties and the right to support have been recognised or allowed for execution under the Bulgarian legislation.
- In order to acquire the right to a long-term residence, the third-country national shall produce in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, which shall include:
- a copy of a valid passport, or replacement document with the pages of the photo, the personal data, a copy of the visa type D, where applicable and the stamp of the last entry in the country; for comparison of the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or replacing document shall also be produced;
- proof of a provided accommodation;
- obligatory medical insurance, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the person has not been insured under the AHI;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system in the amount not smaller than the minimal monthly work salary, the minimal scholarship or the minimal pension for the country, for the term of residence on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- a certificate showing no previous convictions, issued by the state, whose national the third-country national is, or by the state of his/her usual residence – in an initial submission of the application;
- a marriage certificate or a birth certificate;
- medical documents about some serious health reasons in the cases of children of a third-country national or his/her spouse, who have turned 18 years old and who have not concluded matrimony in the cases where significant medical reasons require personal care for them or they are unable to provide for themselves due to the same reasons.
- When granting the right to long-term residence of a third-country national in the Republic of Bulgaria with a term of up to 1 year on the basis of a family member of a third-country national who has received a long-term or permanent residence permit, a fee in the amount of 150 lv. shall be collected.
- The application shall be examined and decided within the term of up to 14 days. In case of a legal or factual complexity and need of production of additional documents, this term may be extended by one month, about which the third-country national shall be notified in writing, by informing him/her that the needed documents and information are to be produced within a 14-day term. In case the additional documents and information are produced within the set term, the procedure shall be terminated and the application shall not be subject to re-examination.
Available review and/or appeal procedures
- Refusals to issue a residence permit may be appealed under the Administrative Procedure Code within 14 days from the notification of the act of the person to the competent Administrative Court.
Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons
Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay
- Visa type D, permanently - with permitted unlimited term.
Work permit requirements
- N/A
Documentation required and conditions to be met
A permanent residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals if:
- they made an investment or increased their investment by acquiring:
- shares or bonds of Bulgarian commercial companies, traded on a regulated market or a multilateral trading system in the Republic of Bulgaria, at a market value of not less than BGN 2 000 000;
- rights under concession contracts on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria with a contract value of not less than BGN 1 000 000;
- shares or stocks with a value of not less than BGN 1 000 000 in collective investment schemes originating in the Republic of Bulgaria, operating in accordance with the Act on the Operation of the Collective Investment Schemes and of Other Undertakings for Collective Investment and provided that:
- the net asset value of each collective investment scheme is not less than BGN 5 000 000;
- the collective investment scheme has been licensed or authorised by the Financial Supervision Commission;
- their investment strategy is focused mainly on investments in shares and/or bonds under letter "a";
- shares or stocks with a value of not less than BGN 1 000 000 in alternative investment funds established in the Republic of Bulgaria, managed by persons, who manage alternative investment funds originating in the Republic of Bulgaria, operating under the Act on the Operation of the Collective Investment Schemes and of Other Undertakings for Collective Investment, and provided that:
- the assets of each fund are worth not less than BGN 3 000 000;
- the alternative investment funds and the persons managing the alternative investment funds are licensed or registered by the Financial Supervision Commission;
- their investment strategy is directed mainly at investing in Bulgarian assets and investing only in shares, stocks and bonds of Bulgarian companies, including joint stock companies with a special investment purpose;
- they invested in the country by depositing in the capital of a Bulgarian company an amount of not less than BGN 2 000 000 for a priority investment project implemented by the company, certified under the terms and conditions of the Investment Promotion Act, which is certified by the Ministry of the Innovation and Growth;
- they have invested the amount of at least BGN 6 000 000 in the capital of a Bulgarian company, which shares are not traded on a regulated market;
they may be granted to a third-country national who carries out activities related to the performance and/or maintenance of an investment with a certificate for Class A, Class B or for priority investment projects pursuant to the Investment Promotion Act.
At a Bulgarian trade company where a third-country national has made an investment with a certificate under the Investment Promotion Act, the said third-country national must be:
- a partner or shareholder with registered shares holding at least 50% or more of the company’s registered capital;
- a representative of the company or a procurator, entered in the commercial register; or
- a person working under an employment contract for implementation of key and/or control functions in research, production, marketing, or other main activities of the enterprise required in relation to the investment purposes.
The Ministry of Innovation and Growth shall issue a certificate that the requirements are met and that will serve the offices for administrative control of third-country nationals. Certificates shall be issued, provided that the respective Bulgarian trade company provides reasons that the third-country national has to reside in the country in relation to the implementation and maintenance of the investment and the company undertakes to immediately notify the Ministry of Innovation and Growth of possible termination of the relations with the said natural person.
- have made an investment in the state by depositing in the share capital of a Bulgarian trade company no less than BGN 500 000, where the third-country national is a partner or shareholder with registered shares and owns more than 50 % of the share capital of the company and, as a result of the investment, have acquired new tangible and intangible assets amounting to not less than BGN 500 000 and at least 10 new positions are opened for Bulgarian citizens for the residence period and this is verified by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth. The Ministry of Innovation and Growth issues the certificate after motivation by the Bulgarian company of the need for residence of the third-country national for the implementation and maintenance of the investment.
In order to acquire the right to permanent residence, the third-country national shall submit in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, to which the following shall be attached:
- a copy of a valid passport, or replacement document with the pages of the photo, personal data, visa type D, where such is required and the stamp of his/her last entry in the country; for checking the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or the replacement document shall also be produced;
- evidences for a provided housing;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system, in an amount not smaller than the minimal monthly working salary or the minimal pension for the country;
- a certificate, showing no conviction, issued by the state, whose national the third-country national is, or by the state of his/her usual residence – at first submission of the application;
- an investment document from the Bulgarian Investment Agency, or a certificate from the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
Where and how to file an application
- An application for a permanent residence permit shall be submitted personally to the Migration Directorate or Migration sector/group at the relevant district office of the Ministry of Interior.
Application fees and indicative processing time
- 1000 lv.
- The director of the Migration Directorate or a person, empowered by him/her, shall take a decision on the application within two months of its submission. In case of legal and factual complexity and necessity of submitting additional documents, the term may be extended by another two months.
The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation
- Permanently - with permitted residence unlimited term.
Conditions for any available extensions or renewal
- The subsequent control of the circumstances under investment shall be performed by the Bulgarian Investment Agency and by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
Rules regarding accompanying dependents
A long-term residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals who have a visa type D and are members of the family of a third-country national, who has received an extended or permanent residence permit, when the documents, certifying the familial ties and the right to support have been recognised or allowed for execution under the Bulgarian legislation.
In order to acquire the right to a long-term residence, the third-country national shall produce in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, which shall include:
- a copy of a valid passport, or replacement document with the pages of the photo, the personal data, a copy of the visa type D, where applicable and the stamp of the last entry in the country; for comparison of the authenticity of the copy, the original passport, or replacement document shall also be produced;
- proof of a provided accommodation;
- obligatory medical insurance, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, where the person has not been insured under the AHI;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system in the amount not smaller than the minimal monthly work salary, the minimal scholarship or the minimal pension for the country, for the term of residence on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
- a certificate showing no previous convictions, issued by the state, whose national the third-country national is, or by the state of his/her usual residence – in an initial submission of the application;
- a marriage certificate or a birth certificate;
- medical documents about some serious health reasons in the cases of children of a third-country national or his/her spouse, who have turned 18 years old and who have not concluded matrimony in the cases where significant medical reasons require personal care for them or they are unable to provide for themselves due to the same reasons.
When granting the right to long-term residence of a third-country national in the Republic of Bulgaria with a term of up to 1 year on the basis of a family member of a third-country national who has received a long-term or permanent residence permit, a fee in the amount of 150 lv. shall be collected.
The application shall be examined and decided within the term of up to 14 days. In case of a legal or factual complexity and need of production of additional documents, this term may be extended by one month, about which the third-country national shall be notified in writing, by informing him/her that the needed documents and information are to be produced within a 14-day term. In case the additional documents and information are produced within the set term, the procedure shall be terminated and the application shall not be subject to re-examination.
A permanent residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals if five years elapsed from concluding civil matrimony with a third-country national who is permanently residing in the country and have resided legally and uninterruptedly for a period of 5 years on the territory of the country, provided that in the cases of marriage with a third-country national who is permitted permanent residence under investment (under items 1, 2 or 3), the requirements for residence in the country shall not apply.
In order to acquire the right to permanent residence, the third-country national shall submit in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, to which the following shall be attached:
- a confirmation of a paid state fee of 10 lv.;
- a copy of a valid passport, or replacement document with the pages of the photo, personal data, visa type D, where such is required and the stamp of his/her last entry in the country; for checking the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or the replacement document shall also be produced;
- evidences of a provided housing;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system, in an amount, not smaller than the minimal monthly working salary or the minimal pension for the country;
- a certificate, showing no conviction, issued by the state, whose national the third-country national is, or by the state of his/her usual residence – at first submission of the application;
- a marriage certificate or a birth certificate.
A permanent residence permit may be granted to third-country nationals if they are the small or below age children of a third-country national with permanent stay in the country and who have not been married.
A fee in the amount of BGN 1 000 shall be collected for processing the permanent residence of a third-country national in the Republic of Bulgaria. The director of the Migration Directorate or a person, empowered by him/her, shall take a decision on the application within two months of its submission. In case of legal and factual complexity and necessity of submitting additional documents, the term may be extended by another two months.
In order to acquire the right to permanent residence, the third-country national shall submit in person to the Migration Directorate or in the RDMI a standard application, to which the following shall be attached:
- a confirmation of a paid state fee of 10 lv.;
- a copy of a valid passport, or replacement document with the pages of the photo, personal data, visa type D, where such is required and the stamp for his/her last entry in the country; for checking the authenticity of the copy, the original passport or the replacement document shall also be produced;
- evidences for a provided housing;
- proof of stable, regular, providable and sufficient means of subsistence without recourse to the social assistance system, in an amount, not smaller than the minimal monthly working salary or the minimal pension for the country;
- a birth certificate.
A fee in the amount of 1 000 lv. shall be collected for processing the permanent residence of a third-country national in the Republic of Bulgaria. The director of the Migration Directorate or a person, empowered by him/her, shall take a decision on the application within two months of its submission. In case of legal and factual complexity and necessity of submitting additional documents, the term may be extended by another two months.
Available review and/or appeal procedures
- Refusals to issue a residence permit may be appealed under the Administrative Procedure Code within 14 days from the notification of the act of the person to the competent Administrative Court.
Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons