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Croatia - International service provider

Are you a non-EU citizen wishing to come to the EU for short-term business visits or to provide services in the framework of an EU Trade Agreement with a partner country? You can find information below on the conditions, procedures, and your rights.




Business visitors for establishment purposes (BVEPs)

In line with the provisions of the Aliens Act, preliminary activities undertaken for the establishment and registration of a company or sole trade shall not be considered work.

In case of intended stays not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period, third-country nationals can enter the territory under conditions set in the Aliens Act, on visa/without visa and register short-term stay.

If you need a visa to enter Croatia, more information can be found here.

Upon arrival in Croatia, you will need to register a short-term stay within two days; more information is available here.

The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

  • 90 days in any 180-day period


Short-term business visitors (STBV)

Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay

STVB may work up to 90 days in a calendar year, based on an authorisation to work named work registration certificate (along with a short-stay visa for stay, if required).

More information can be found here (under point c. POTVRDA O PRIJAVI RADA).

Work permit requirements

The third-country national or a physical person who will be using their services shall obtain, before the commencement of work, a work registration certificate from the Police Administration or Police Station as per the location of the performance of activities or a place where the registered office of an employer is situated.

Based on a work registration certificate issued, a third-country national may work for the same employer or service beneficiary throughout the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

Documentation required and conditions to be met


  • a filled out Form 5a for issuance of a work registration certificate (the form can be found here),
  • a certified copy of a valid travel document of the applicant/third-country national,
  • a work contract/assignment letter/proof of employment with legal entity outside Croatia,
  • evidence of the third-country national’s acquired qualifications and skills, if needed relevant contracts.

An application for the issuance of a work registration certificate shall be refused if:

  1. the legal or natural person fails to meet the obligations related to social security, employees’ rights, working conditions and terms of employment, and tax obligations or the collective agreement,
  2. bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation proceedings have been opened against the legal or natural person in line with the legislation governing bankruptcy or liquidation,
  3. the legal or natural person has been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling in the area of labour relations and social insurance,
  4. the legal or natural person or the third-country national has failed to pay the fine imposed,
  5. the third-country national is in breach of the provisions of this Act relating to entry, stay or work.

Where and how to file an application

The third-country national or a physical person who will be using their services shall obtain, before the commencement of work, a work registration certificate from the Police Administration or Police Station as per the location of the performance of activities or a place where the registered office of an employer is situated.

Application fees and indicative processing time

The administrative fee for issuing the work registration certificate is EUR 39,82.
Processing time is up to 30 days as from complete application.

The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

90 days

Conditions for any available extensions or renewal


Rules regarding accompanying dependents

Under the rules regarding the entry and short-term stay of third-country nationals

Available review and/or appeal procedures

No appeal shall be admissible against the negative decision. However, an administrative dispute may be instituted to Administrative courts (Administrative court in Zagreb, Administrative Court in Split, Administrative court in Rijeka, Administrative court in Osijek).

Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

The Aliens Act (Official Gazette, Number: 133/20, 114/22, 151/22).

Ordinance on the Status and Labour of third- country nationals in the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, Number: 20/2022, 155/22).


Contractual service suppliers (CSSs) and Independent professionals (IPs)

Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorization regarding entry and temporary stay

If their services would be up to 90 days in a calendar year, than a work registration certificate can be issued (please see information as above for STVB)


Stay and work permit can be issued if the services required would last above 90 days (please see below).

Work permit requirements

Stay and work permit may be granted if a third-country national falls within the scope of trade agreements (as prescribed under protocols of WTO and other trade agreements regarding the scope and sectors) and fulfils the general conditions for temporary stay (proves the purpose of the temporary stay, has a valid travel document, has means of supporting himself/herself, health insurance, provides a document proving that he/she has not been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling, which has been issued by his/her home country or a country in which he/she has resided for more than a year immediately prior to arriving in the Republic of Croatia, no prohibition of entry and residence in the Republic of Croatia or warning in SIS system regarding the ban on entry; and does not pose a threat to public order, national security or public health) and to provide proof of performance of the services in the Republic of Croatia (relevant contracts).

Other general conditions for refusal of stay and work permit also apply.

An application for a stay and work permit might be refused if:

  1. the employer or host entity fails to meet the obligations related to social security, employees’rights, working conditions and terms of employment, and tax obligations or the collective agreement binding on the employer,
  2. bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation proceedings have been opened against the employer or host entity in line with the legislation governing bankruptcy or liquidation,
  3. the employer or host entity does not perform economic activities in a sector registered in the Republic of Croatia,
  4. the employer or host entity has been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling in the area of labour relations and social insurance,
  5. the main purpose of establishment or work of the employer or host entity is to facilitate the entry of third-country nationals,
  6. the third-country national has failed to pay the fine imposed,
  7. the third-country national is in breach of the provisions of this Act relating to entry, stay or work,
  8. the employer has been sanctioned for undeclared work and/or illegal employment.

Documentation required and conditions to be met

Application (2a Form) and additional documents:

  • a copy of the third-country national’s valid travel document,
  • a colour photograph, 30x35 mm,
  • evidence of adequate means of supporting himself/herself,
  • evidence of health insurance,
  • a document proving that he/she has not been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling, which has been issued by his/her home country or a country in which he/she has resided for more than a year immediately prior to arriving in the Republic of Croatia,
  • a work contract/assignment letter/proof of employment with a legal entity outside Croatia, for IP proof of establishment in a foreign country,
  • evidence of the third-country national’s acquired qualifications and skills, if needed,
  • relevant contracts on providing services.

Where and how to file an application

An application for the issuance of a stay and work permit may be submitted by a third-country national (only if no visa is required to enter the Republic of Croatia) or by the service recipient at a police administration or a police station according to the intended place of stay or work of the third-country national, or the service recepient’s head office.

If the application for the stay and work permit is submitted for the first time only by a third-country national who is obliged to possess a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia, the third-country national has to submit the relevant application at the diplomatic mission/consular office of the Republic of Croatia.

A decision on the application for the issuance of a stay and work permit shall be made by a police administration or a police station according to the location of the third-country national’s temporary residence or intended stay.

Application fees and indicative processing time

The administrative fee for issuing a decision on a residence and work permit is EUR 74,32. Moreover, the cost for issuing a biometric residence permit (in the form of a card) is EUR 31,85 for the normal procedure or EUR 59,73 for the accelerated procedure. An additional fee of EUR 9,29 should be added when issuing a biometric residence card, both for the normal and accelerated procedure.

Processing time: 30-60 days.

The permit for the work and stay shall be delivered to the third-country national and the employer.

If a third-country national requires a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia (D-visa), it will be issued by the diplomatic mission/consular office of the Republic of Croatia, or it may be issued by a diplomatic mission, namely the Consulate office of another State with which the Republic of Croatia has concluded a visa representation agreement.

The third-country national will be invited to give biometric data in the police station/police administration on the territory of Croatia in order to be issued a biometric residence permit.

The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

The stay and work permit for other necessary persons, as defined by the Protocol on the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation is issued with the validity period of up to 2 years, unless applied for a shorter validity period of the stay and work permit.

Under other trade agreements, up to one year.

Conditions for any available extensions or renewal

An application for granting prolonged temporary stay for the purpose of employment (stay and work permit) is submitted at a competent police administration/station according to the place of temporary residence or the registered office of the employer at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the valid temporary stay and work permit.

The conditions are the same as for the first permit.

Rules regarding accompanying dependents

Family members may apply for temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification in line with the provisions of the Aliens Act. An application for temporary stay is submitted at a diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Croatia.

Third-country nationals who are not required to have a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia may also apply for temporary stay at a police administration/police station according to their intended place of stay.

Along with the application (form 1a), the documents provided include the following:

  • a copy of the third-country national’s valid travel document;
  • a colour photograph, 30x35 mm,
  • evidence of adequate means of supporting himself/herself;
  • evidence of health insurance,
  • document proving that he/she has not been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling, which has been issued by his/her home country or a country in which he/she has resided for more than a year immediately prior to arriving in the Republic of Croatia,
  • proof of the purpose of temporary stay (eg. marriage/birth certificate).

Available review and/or appeal procedures

An administrative judicial dispute may be instituted to Administrative courts (Administrative court in Zagreb, Administrative Court in Split, Administrative court in Rijeka, Administrative court in Osijek).

Negative decisions are issued in written form and contain instructions on how to initiate an administrative dispute.

Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

The Alliens Act (Official Gazette, Number: 133/20, 114/22, 151/22). 

Ordinance on the residence of third-country nationals in the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, No, 20/22).



Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay

If the stay will be up to 90 days in a calendar year, a work registration certificate can be issued (please see the information on short-term business visitors (STVB)).


A stay and work permit can be issued if the stay would last more than 90 days (please see below).

Work permit requirements

A stay and work permit may be granted if a third-country national falls within the scope of trade agreements as investors (e.g. natural persons who establish an enterprise, and develop or administer the operation of that enterprise in a capacity that is supervisory or executive, and to which that person or the juridical person employing that person has committed, or is in the process of committing, a substantial amount of capital, as prescribed under the protocols of WTO and other trade agreements regarding the scope and sectors) and fulfils the general conditions for temporary stay (proves the purpose of the temporary stay, has a valid travel document, has means of supporting himself/herself, health insurance, provides a document proving that he/she has not been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling, which has been issued by his/her home country or a country in which he/she has resided for more than a year immediately prior to arriving in the Republic of Croatia, no prohibition of entry and residence in the Republic of Croatia  or warning in SIS system regarding the ban on entry, and does not pose a threat to public order, national security or public health) and to provide proof of establishing an enterprise, proof that he/she will develop or administer the operation of that enterprise in a capacity that is supervisory or executive (e.g. work contract), and proof of investment of substantial amount of capital. 

Other general conditions for refusal of stay and work permit also apply. 

An application for a stay and work permit might be refused if:

  • the employer or host entity fails to meet the obligations related to social security, employees’ rights, working conditions and terms of employment, and tax obligations or the collective agreement binding on the employer,
  • bankruptcy proceedings or liquidation proceedings have been opened against the employer or host entity in line with the legislation governing bankruptcy or liquidation,
  • the employer or host entity does not perform economic activities in a sector registered in the Republic of Croatia,
  • the employer or host entity has been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling in the area of labour relations and social insurance,
  • the main purpose of establishment or work of the employer or host entity is to facilitate the entry of third-country nationals,
  • the third-country national has failed to pay the fine imposed,
  • the third-country national is in breach of the provisions of the Act relating to entry, stay or work,
  • the employer has been sanctioned for undeclared work and/or illegal employment. 

Documentation required and conditions to be met

Application (2a Form) and additional documents: 

  • a copy of the third-country national’s valid travel document,
  • a colour photograph (30x35 mm),
  • evidence of adequate means of supporting himself/herself,
  • evidence of health insurance,
  • a document proving that he/she has not been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling, which has been issued by his/her home country or a country in which he has resided for more than a year immediately prior to arriving in the Republic of Croatia,
  • proof that he/she will develop or administer the operation of that enterprise in a capacity that is supervisory or executive (e.g. work contract or other corresponding contract); or if not sole owner, proof of holding a share of at least 51% in an enterprise,
  • a certificate issued by the competent Ministry that the enterprise is a recipient of incentive measures or that implements strategic investment projects in accordance with special regulations. 

Where and how to file an application

An application for the issuance of a stay and work permit may be submitted by a third-country national (only if no visa is required to enter the Republic of Croatia) at a police administration or a police station according to the intended place of stay or work of the third-country national or seat of the company. The employer (enterprise) can also submit a stay and work permit for the third-country national at a police administration or a police station according to the intended place of stay or work of the third-country national or seat of the company.

If the application for the stay and work permit is submitted for the first time only by a third-country national who is obliged to possess a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia, the third-country national has to submit the relevant application at the diplomatic mission/consular office of the Republic of Croatia.

A decision on the application for the issuance of a stay and work permit shall be made by a police administration or a police station according to the location of the third-country national’s temporary residence or intended stay.

Application fees and indicative processing time

The administrative fee for issuing a decision on a residence and work permit is EUR 74,32. Moreover, the cost for issuing a biometric residence permit (in the form of a card) is EUR 31,85 for the normal procedure or EUR 59,73 for the accelerated procedure. An additional fee of EUR 9,29 should be added when issuing a biometric residence card, both for the normal and accelerated procedure.

Processing time: 30-60 days.

The permit for the work and stay shall be delivered to the third-country national and the employer.

If a third-country national requires a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia (D-visa), it will be issued by the diplomatic mission/consular office of the Republic of Croatia, or it may be issued by a diplomatic mission, namely the Consulate office of another State with which the Republic of Croatia has concluded a visa representation agreement.

The third-country national will be invited to give biometric data in a police station/police administration on the territory of Croatia in order to be issued with a biometric residence permit.

The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

The stay and work permit is issued with the validity period of up to 1 year. 

Conditions for any available extensions or renewal

An application for granting prolonged temporary stay for the purpose of employment (stay and work permit) is submitted at a competent police administration/station according to the place of temporary residence or the registered office of the employer at least 30 days prior to the expiry of the valid temporary stay and work permit.

The conditions are the same as for first permit. 

Rules regarding accompanying dependents

Family members may apply for temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification in line with provisions of the Aliens Act. An application for temporary stay is submitted at a diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Croatia. 

Third-country nationals who are not required to have a visa to enter the Republic of Croatia may also apply for a temporary stay at a police administration/police station according to their intended place of stay.
Along with the application (form 1a), the documents provided include the following:

  • a copy of the third-country national’s valid travel document,
  • a colour photograph (30x35 mm),
  • evidence of adequate means of supporting himself/herself,
  • evidence of health insurance,
  • a document proving that he/she has not been convicted of criminal offences by a final ruling, which has been issued by his/her home country or a country in which he/she has resided for more than a year immediately prior to arriving in the Republic of Croatia,
  • proof of the purpose of temporary stay (eg. marriage/birth certificate).

Available review and/or appeal procedures

No appeal shall be admissible against the negative decision. However, an administrative dispute may be instituted to Administrative courts (Administrative court in Zagreb, Administrative Court in Split, Administrative court in Rijeka, Administrative court in Osijek).

Negative decisions are issued in written form and contain instructions on how to initiate an administrative dispute. 

Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

Relevant legislative act: The Aliens Act (Official Gazette, Number: 133/20, 114/22, 151/22) - English version (only version Official Gazette, Number: 133/20).

Ordinance on the Status and Labour of third-country nationals in the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, Number: 20/2022, 155/22) can be found here and amendments here. (Croatian language only).

Source for more information 

Act on strategic investment projects of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, No: 29/18, 114/18) (Croatian only).

Investment promotion law (Official Gazette, No: 63/22) (Croatian only).

Other information on residence of third country nationals (including family reunification)     can be found here