If you have resided legally in Greece for the last two years, you can reunite with your family members in Greece. Your family members include:
- Your spouse who is over 18 years old;
- Your unmarried, minor children and those of your spouse, including adopted children, and provided you (or your spouse) have been assigned with the children’s legal custody.
Polygamy is not recognised in Greece and you can only have one wife living with you in the country, hence you can ask for family unification only for one wife.
Where and how to apply | Application for family reunification Following your application for family reunification at the Decentralized Authorities, competent authorities should immediately and within three months ask and receive the opinion of police authorities regarding issues of public order and safety as well as the opinion of consular authorities establishing your family ties, even through personal interviews. In examining your application, competent authorities pay special attention to the best interests of minors. When the consular authorities receive approval for your family reunification claim, members of your family are provided with the respective national visa to enter the country. Residence permit When your family members arrive in Greece and before their visas expire, they must apply for a residence permit. |
Documents required | With the initial application for family reunification, you should prove:
Duration of validity of permits | The residence permit of your family members is of the same duration as your own. In case you acquire the long term resident status, the residence permits of your family members are issued for two years and then renewed every three years. When applying for a renewal, you should again establish your family ties as well as your tax and social security status. |
Appeals | Appeals against reasoned decisions may be lodged to the administrative court, as well as to the administrative authority that originally issued the decision. |
Further information | N/A |
Non-EU citizens legally residing in the country enjoy the following rights:
Family members of the sponsor have the same rights in regard to:
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Rights | You and your family members equally enjoy the following rights:
Non-EU citizens legally residing in the country enjoy the following rights:
Change of employment | Family members have access to salaried employment, provision of services, or work at the first renewal of your residence permits. |
Long-term residence | |
Long-term resident permit If your sponsor is a long term residence permit holder, you can renew your residence permit as a family member. However, you may apply for a long-term resident permit on your own and not in relation to your sponsor, according to the standard relevant procedure and conditions described below. If you have resided in Greece lawfully and continuously for five years before submitting your application, you can apply for a long-term resident permit provided that:
You will still be able to apply for this status if you have been absent from Greece for less than six consecutive months and/or 10 months during this five-year period. You must submit your application to the authority that issued your last/previous residence permit, and meet all necessary conditions. The decision should be issued within six months, which can be delayed for an additional three month period. The long term residence permit is valid for five years and is renewable for five more years. A long-term resident enjoys equal treatment with Greek citizens in the following sectors:
No information available at the moment.