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Hungary - International service provider

Are you a non-EU citizen wishing to come to the EU for short-term business visits or to provide services in the framework of an EU Trade Agreement with a partner country? You can find information below on the conditions, procedures, and your rights.




Business visitors for establishment purposes (BVEPs)

Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay

  • With regard to stays not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period Visa Code is applicable, so the applicant has to meet the general Schengen entry and residence conditions.
  • With regard to stays exceeding 90 days - residence permit for the purpose of gainful activity.

Work permit requirements

  • No work permit is required.

Documentation required and conditions to be met

Documents verifying the purpose of residence:

  • the business association, cooperative society or other legal entity established to engage in gainful operations (hereinafter collectively referred to as “business association”) actually employ at least three Hungarian citizens or persons with the right of free movement and residence in full time employment for at least six consecutive months, lawfully without any interruption; or
  • the residence of the third-country national applicant in the territory of Hungary is essential for the business association, and the business plan enclosed with the application contains sufficient information to ascertain that the business association will be profitable enough to ensure the applicant’s subsistence. The elements of the business plan must be verified by credible means, such as, in particular, a work contract, a personal services contract, an agreement, or a supply or sales contract.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary:

  • a statement from a Hungarian or foreign financial institution concerning the applicant’s bank account;
  • an income certificate issued by the tax authority for the previous year;
  • an income certificate issued by the employer;
  • a certificate issued by the employer and/or tax authority as proof of regular income received from abroad;
  • other reliable means.


Documents verifying the existence of Hungarian accommodation:

  • a residential lease contract in proof of the rental of a residence;
  • a document on accommodation by courtesy;
  • documentary evidence to verify the reservation of accommodation and payment;
  • a statement on boarding (dormitory) services;
  • a document in proof of ownership of the residential property, by means of a certified copy issued within 30 days to date;
  • a real estate sales contract and a copy of the decision of the competent Budapest or county Government Office granting permission for the acquisition of a real estate property;
  • other documents.


Documents verifying the existence of comprehensive health insurance:

  • proof of having access to comprehensive health insurance services (in particular on the basis of specific other legislation on the social security system, international agreement, or under specific agreement), or that he/she has the necessary financial resources to cover the costs of such services.


Documents evidencing the conditions of exit:

  • a valid passport or the permits necessary for the third-country national for returning to his/her country of origin, or to the country he/she indicates;
  • a valid ticket for departure, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket, or a means of transport lawfully used by the third-country national.


Where and how to file an application

  • When submitting the application the applicant is required to appear before the authority in person, except if unable to appear due to his/her health condition. When the application is submitted, the applicant’s photo and fingerprint will be taken for the residence permit issued with biometric data. The third-country national is obliged to abide by, and tolerate that procedure.

Except as provided for by law, an application for residence permit may be submitted to any consulate officer of Hungary, or at any other place authorised to accept applications for residence permit located in the country where the applicant’s permanent or temporary residence is located, or in the country of the applicant’s nationality. Third-country nationals may apply for an entry visa for receiving a residence permit before admission to the country in the application for residence permit, without having to lodge a separate application.

  • Third-country nationals residing in the territory of Hungary may submit an application for residence permit at the regional directorate of the immigration authority of jurisdiction by reference to the place of residence of the applicant. This applies if there are special circumstances to justify submission of the application in Hungary, or if the purpose of stay exceeding ninety days within a 180-day period is research activity or if lawfully residing in the territory of Hungary as a national of the States listed in Annex II of Council Regulation 539/2001/EC, or together with such third-country national in the capacity of a family member. The special circumstance referred to above shall, in particular, cover any event related to medical treatment, family reunification or occupational activity that has occurred for reasons beyond the third-country national’s control, and that prevents to have the application submitted at a place normally prescribed under general provisions set out by law.
  • As of 1 January 2019, natural person clients or their authorized legal representatives may submit an application for a residence permit (issue or extension) electronically via Enter Hungary, available at


Application fees and indicative processing time

  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit is EUR 60, payable at the diplomatic mission of Hungary primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, or in exceptional cases in the legal tender of the State where the application is submitted.
  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure is HUF 18,000 if submitted in Hungary.
  • The competent immigration authority shall adopt a decision concerning the application within 21 days.


The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

  • Maximum three years, and it may be extended by maximum three additional years at a time.


Conditions for any available extensions or renewal

  • The application for extension of the residence permit shall be submitted in person at the regional directorate of the immigration authority of jurisdiction by reference to the place of accommodation of the applicant 30 days before it expires at the latest, with the necessary documents attached.
  • At the time of submitting the application, the applicant shall produce his/her valid travel document.
  • Application for the extension of residence permit can be submitted electronically upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation.
  • The fee charged for the extension of a residence permit is HUF 10,000.


Rules regarding accompanying dependents

A residence permit for the purpose of family reunification may be issued to a third-country national:

  • who is a family member of a third-country national in possession of a residence permit, immigration permit, settlement permit, interim permanent residence permit, national permanent residence permit, EC permanent residence permit or residence card or permanent residence card in accordance with specific other legislation or a Hungarian national (hereinafter referred to as “sponsor”);
  • who is a family member of a person with refugee status or who has been granted subsidiary protection status (the spouse of a person with refugee status may be issued a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification if their marriage was contracted before the entry of the person with refugee status into the territory of Hungary);
  • who is the parent of an unaccompanied minor with refugee or subsidiary protection status, or the minor’s legally appointed guardian;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the supported parent of a person with refugee status;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the sibling or relative in direct line of a person with refugee or subsidiary protection status, if they are unable to support themselves due to health reasons.

More on family reunification.


Available review and/or appeal procedures

  • In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular mission where the application was submitted. If the applicant introduces any new evidence in the appeal, of which he/she was aware before the decision was adopted, or if the appeal is lodged without showing cause, the authority of first instance shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits. The administrative service fee for the appeal is EUR 20 if submitted at a diplomatic or consular mission, payable primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, exceptionally, in the currency of the State where the application is submitted, or HUF 5,500 if submitted in Hungary, payable by way of electronic payment instrument (bank card) or in the form of bank deposit (using the cheque supplied by the regional directorate). In the “comment” box the client’s name and date of birth, and the case type “Residence Permit Appeal” shall be indicated.


Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

  • Act CL. of 2016
  • Act II. of 2007


Further information


Short-term business visitors (STBV)

  • Regarding short-term business visitors the Visa Code is applicable, so the applicant has to meet the general Schengen entry and residence conditions specified there. The Visa Code sets out the non-exhaustive list of supporting documents (Annex II), including a detailed description of the supporting documents referred to in Article 14 to be submitted by the visa applicant. No work permit is required.
  • Concerning the reduced fares, Article 24 of the Visa Code deals with regular business travellers and so-called bona fide people, who can be issued with multiple-entry visas for ease of use. Article 16 deals with visa fees, or exemption or concession circles, for example among business travellers.


The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

  • The visas are applicable for a stay not exceeding 90 days.


Contractual service suppliers (CSSs)

Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and  temporary stay

  • Residence permit for the purpose of employment.

Work permit requirements

  • Work permit is required: your application will be decided in single application procedure, where the labour authority participates as specialist authority.

Documentation required and conditions to be met

Documents verifying the purpose:

  • prior agreement concluded with a view to entering into an employment relationship with the company established in Hungary, or a document verifying the employment relationship with the company established in the third country and a document about the posting.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary:

  • a statement from a Hungarian or foreign financial institution concerning the applicant’s bank account;
  • an income certificate issued by the tax authority for the previous year;
  • an income certificate issued by the employer;
  • a certificate issued by the employer and/or tax authority as proof of regular income received from abroad;
  • other reliable means.


Documents verifying the existence of Hungarian accommodation:

  • a residential lease contract in proof of the rental of a residence;
  • a document on accommodation by courtesy;
  • documentary evidence to verify the reservation of accommodation and payment;
  • a statement on boarding (dormitory) services;
  • a document in proof of ownership of the residential property, by means of a certified copy issued within 30 days to date;
  • a real estate sales contract and a copy of the decision of the competent Budapest or county government agency granting permission for the acquisition of a real estate property;
  • other documents.


Documents verifying the existence of comprehensive health insurance:

  • proof of having access to comprehensive health insurance services (in particular on the basis of specific other legislation on the social security system, international agreement, or under specific agreement), or that he/she has the necessary financial resources to cover the costs of such services.


Documents evidencing the conditions of exit:

  • a valid passport or the permits necessary for the third-country national for returning to his/her country of origin, or to the country he/she indicates; and
  • a valid ticket for departure, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket, or a means of transport lawfully used by the third-country national.


Where and how to file an application


  • When submitting the application, the applicant is required to appear before the authority in person, except if unable to appear due to his/her health condition.
  • When the application is submitted, the applicant’s photo and fingerprint will be taken for the residence permit issued with biometric data. The third-country national is obliged to abide by, and tolerate that procedure.
  • Except as provided for by law, an application for residence permit may be submitted to any consulate officer of Hungary, or at any other place authorised to accept applications for residence permit located in the country where the applicant’s permanent or temporary residence is located, or in the country of the applicant’s nationality. Third-country nationals may apply for an entry visa for receiving a residence permit before admission to the country in the application for residence permit, without having to lodge a separate application.
  • Third-country nationals residing in the territory of Hungary may submit an application for residence permit at the regional directorate responsible for the place where the place of accommodation of the third-country national is located. This applies if there are special circumstances to justify submission of the application in Hungary, or if the purpose of stay exceeding ninety days within a one hundred and eighty day period is research or if lawfully residing in the territory of Hungary as a national of the States listed in Annex II of Council Regulation 539/2001/EC, or together with such third-country national in the capacity of a family member. The special circumstance referred to above shall, in particular, cover any event related to medical treatment, family reunification or occupational activity that has occurred for reasons beyond the third-country national’s control, and that prevents to have the application submitted at a place normally prescribed under general provisions set out by law.
  • As of 1 January 2019, natural person clients or their authorised legal representatives may submit an application for a residence permit (issue or extension) electronically via Enter Hungary, available at
  • If a third-country national plans to enter into an employment relationship, an application for the issue or extension of a residence permit may be submitted – in the case of preferred employer – by the prospective employer as well, provided that the client has consented in writing. In that case the competent authority may communicate with the employer as well, however, the client will be notified of all procedural steps taken.
  • In case the application is submitted by the Hungarian host entity or employer, it can be submitted upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation.


Application fees and indicative processing time

  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit is EUR 60, payable at the diplomatic mission of Hungary primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, or in exceptional cases in the legal tender of the State where the application is submitted.
  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure is HUF 18,000 if submitted in Hungary.
  • The competent immigration authority shall adopt a decision concerning the application within 70 days. If the third-country national is employed by a preferred employer, the competent authority shall adopt a decision on the merits within 60 days from the date of submission of the application.


The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

  • The validity period of a residence permit granted for the purpose of employment may not exceed the term specified in the specialist authority’s assessment, that, however, may be extended up to the time indicated in the specialist authority’s assessment given in case of an application for an extension of the residence permit.
  • The maximum period of validity of a residence permit for employment purposes is 2 years, which may be extended by the same amount occasionally.


Conditions for any available extensions or renewal

  • The application for extension of the residence permit shall be submitted in person at the regional directorate responsible for the place where the place of accommodation is located 30 days before it expires at the latest, with the necessary documents attached.
  • At the time of submitting the application the applicant shall produce his/her valid travel document.
  • Application for the extension of residence permit can be submitted electronically upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation.
  • The fee charged for the extension of a residence permit is HUF 10,000.


Rules regarding accompanying dependents

A residence permit for the purpose of family reunification may be issued to a third-country national:

  • who is a family member of a third-country national in possession of a residence permit, immigration permit, settlement permit, interim permanent residence permit, national permanent residence permit, EC permanent residence permit or residence card or permanent residence card in accordance with specific other legislation or a Hungarian national (hereinafter referred to as “sponsor”);
  • who is a family member of a person with refugee status or who has been granted subsidiary protection status (the spouse of a person with refugee status may be issued a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification if their marriage was contracted before the entry of the person with refugee status into the territory of Hungary);
  • who is the parent of an unaccompanied minor with refugee or subsidiary protection status, or the minor’s legally appointed guardian;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the supported parent of a person with refugee status;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the sibling or relative in direct line of a person with refugee or subsidiary protection status, if they are unable to support themselves due to health reasons.

More on family reunification.


Available review and/or appeal procedures

  • In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular mission where the application was submitted. If the applicant introduces any new evidence in the appeal, of which he/she was aware before the decision was adopted, or if the appeal is lodged without showing cause, the authority of first instance shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits.
  • The administrative service fee for the appeal is EUR 20 if submitted at a diplomatic or consular mission, payable primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, exceptionally, in the currency of the State where the application is submitted, or HUF 5,500 if submitted in Hungary, payable by way of electronic payment instrument (bank card) or in the form of bank deposit (using the cheque supplied by the regional directorate). In the “comment” box the client’s name and date of birth, and the case type “Residence Permit Appeal” shall be indicated.


Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

  • Act CL. of 2016
  • Act II. of 2007

Further information


Independent professionals (IPs)

Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay

  • Residence permit for the purpose of gainful activity.

Work permit requirements

  • No work permit is required.

Documentation required and conditions to be met


Documents verifying the purpose of residence:

  • a private entrepreneurial license, or in its absence the private entrepreneur register number,
  • a business plan for economic activities,
  • a small-scale agricultural producer’s license,
  • a personal service contract, contract for professional services or a use contract entered into as a private individual; or
  • other reliable means.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary:

  • a statement from a Hungarian or foreign financial institution concerning the applicant’s bank account;
  • an income certificate issued by the tax authority for the previous year;
  • an income certificate issued by the employer;
  • a certificate issued by the employer and/or tax authority as proof of regular income received from abroad;
  • other reliable means.


Documents verifying the existence of Hungarian accommodation:

  • a residential lease contract in proof of the rental of a residence;
  • a document on accommodation by courtesy;
  • documentary evidence to verify the reservation of accommodation and payment;
  • a statement on boarding (dormitory) services;
  • a document in proof of ownership of the residential property, by means of a certified copy issued within 30 days to date;
  • a real estate sales contract and a copy of the decision of the competent Budapest or county Government Office granting permission for the acquisition of a real estate property;
  • other documents.


Documents verifying the existence of comprehensive health insurance:

  • proof of having access to comprehensive health insurance services (in particular on the basis of specific other legislation on the social security system, international agreement, or under specific agreement), or that he/she has the necessary financial resources to cover the costs of such services.


Documents evidencing the conditions of exit:

  • a valid passport or the permits necessary for the third-country national for returning to his/her country of origin, or to the country he/she indicates; and
  • a valid ticket for departure, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket, or a means of transport lawfully used by the third-country national.


Method of filing an application and options on where to file, such as consular offices or online

  • When submitting the application, the applicant is required to appear before the authority in person, except if unable to appear due to his/her health condition. When the application is submitted, the applicant’s photo and fingerprint will be taken for the residence permit issued with biometric data. The third-country national is obliged to abide by and tolerate that procedure.
  • Except as provided for by law, an application for residence permit may be submitted to any consulate officer of Hungary, or at any other place authorised to accept applications for residence permit located in the country where the applicant’s permanent or temporary residence is located, or in the country of the applicant’s nationality. Third-country nationals may apply for an entry visa for receiving a residence permit before admission to the country in the application for residence permit, without having to lodge a separate application.
  • Third-country nationals residing in the territory of Hungary may submit an application for residence permit at the regional directorate of the immigration authority of jurisdiction by reference to the place of residence of the applicant. This applies if there are special circumstances to justify submission of the application in Hungary, or if the purpose of stay exceeding ninety days within a 180-day period is research or if lawfully residing in the territory of Hungary as a national of the States listed in Annex II of Council Regulation 539/2001/EC, or together with such third-country national in the capacity of a family member. The special circumstance referred to above shall, in particular, cover any event related to medical treatment, family reunification or occupational activity that has occurred for reasons beyond the third-country national’s control, and that prevents to have the application submitted at a place normally prescribed under general provisions set out by law.
  • As of 1 January 2019, natural person clients or their authorised legal representatives may submit an application for a residence permit (issue or extension) electronically via Enter Hungary, available at


Application fees and indicative processing time

  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit is EUR 60, payable at the diplomatic mission of Hungary primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, or in exceptional cases in the legal tender of the State where the application is submitted.
  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure is HUF 18,000 if submitted in Hungary.
  • The competent immigration authority shall adopt a decision concerning the application within 21 days.


The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

  • Maximum three years, and it may be extended by maximum three additional years at a time.


Conditions for any available extensions or renewal

  • The application for extension of the residence permit shall be submitted in person at the regional directorate of the immigration authority of jurisdiction by reference to the place of accommodation of the applicant 30 days before it expires at the latest, with the necessary documents attached.
  • At the time of submitting the application, the applicant shall produce his/her valid travel document.
  • Application for the extension of residence permit can be submitted electronically upon registration on the electronic platform of the immigration authority for procedure initiation.
  • The fee charged for the extension of a residence permit is HUF 10,000.


Rules regarding accompanying dependents

A residence permit for the purpose of family reunification may be issued to a third-country national:

  • who is a family member of a third-country national in possession of a residence permit, immigration permit, settlement permit, interim permanent residence permit, national permanent residence permit, EC permanent residence permit or residence card or permanent residence card in accordance with specific other legislation or a Hungarian national (hereinafter referred to as “sponsor”);
  • who is a family member of a person with refugee status or who has been granted subsidiary protection status (the spouse of a person with refugee status may be issued a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification if their marriage was contracted before the entry of the person with refugee status into the territory of Hungary);
  • who is the parent of an unaccompanied minor with refugee or subsidiary protection status, or the minor’s legally appointed guardian;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the supported parent of a person with refugee status;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the sibling or relative in direct line of a person with refugee or subsidiary protection status, if they are unable to support themselves due to health reasons.

More on family reunification.


Available review and/or appeal procedures

  • In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular mission where the application was submitted. If the applicant introduces any new evidence in the appeal, of which he/she was aware before the decision was adopted, or if the appeal is lodged without showing cause, the authority of first instance shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits.
  • The administrative service fee for the appeal is EUR 20 if submitted at a diplomatic or consular mission, payable primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, exceptionally, in the currency of the State where the application is submitted, or HUF 5,500 if submitted in Hungary, payable by way of electronic payment instrument (bank card) or in the form of bank deposit (using the cheque supplied by the regional directorate). In the “comment” box the client’s name and date of birth, and the case type “Residence Permit Appeal” shall be indicated.


Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

  • Act CL. of 2016
  • Act II. of 2007

Further information



Categories of visa, permits or any similar type of authorisation regarding entry and temporary stay

  • With regard to stays not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period Visa Code is applicable, so the applicant has to meet the general Schengen entry and residence conditions.
  • With regard to stays exceeding 90 days - residence permit for the purpose of gainful activity is advised.

Work permit requirements

  • No work permit is required.

Documentation required and conditions to be met

Documents verifying the purpose of residence:

  • the business association, cooperative society or other legal entity established to engage in gainful operations (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘business association’) actually employ at least three Hungarian citizens or persons with the right of free movement and residence in full time employment for at least six consecutive months, lawfully without any interruption; or
  • the residence of the third-country national applicant in the territory of Hungary is essential for the business association, and the business plan enclosed with the application contains sufficient information to ascertain that the business association will be profitable enough to ensure the applicant’s subsistence. The elements of the business plan must be verified by credible means, such as, in particular, a work contract, a personal services contract, an agreement, or a supply or sales contract.


Documents in proof of means of subsistence in Hungary:

  • a statement from a Hungarian or foreign financial institution concerning the applicant’s bank account;
  • an income certificate issued by the tax authority for the previous year;
  • an income certificate issued by the employer;
  • a certificate issued by the employer and/or tax authority as proof of regular income received from abroad;
  • other reliable means.


Documents verifying the existence of Hungarian accommodation:

  • a residential lease contract in proof of the rental of a residence;
  • a document on accommodation by courtesy;
  • documentary evidence to verify the reservation of accommodation and payment;
  • a document in proof of ownership of the residential property, by means of a certified copy issued within 30 days to date;
  • a real estate sales contract and a copy of the decision of the competent Budapest or county Government Office granting permission for the acquisition of a real estate property;
  • other documents.

Documents verifying the existence of comprehensive health insurance:

  • proof of having access to comprehensive health insurance services (in particular on the basis of specific other legislation on the social security system, international agreement, or under specific agreement), or that he/she has the necessary financial resources to cover the costs of such services.
  • Documents evidencing the conditions of exit:
  • a valid passport or the permits necessary for the third-country national for returning to his/her country of origin, or to the country he/she indicates;
  • a valid ticket for departure, or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket, or a means of transport lawfully used by the third-country national.


Where and how to file an application

  • When submitting the application the applicant is required to appear before the authority in person, except if unable to appear due to his/her health condition. When the application is submitted, the applicant’s photo and fingerprint will be taken for the residence permit issued with biometric data. The third-country national is obliged to abide by, and tolerate that procedure.

Except as provided for by law, an application for residence permit may be submitted to any consulate officer of Hungary, or at any other place authorised to accept applications for residence permit located in the country where the applicant’s permanent or temporary residence is located, or in the country of the applicant’s nationality. Third-country nationals may apply for an entry visa for receiving a residence permit before admission to the country in the application for residence permit, without having to lodge a separate application.

  • Third-country nationals residing in the territory of Hungary may submit an application for residence permit at the regional directorate of the immigration authority of jurisdiction by reference to the place of residence of the applicant. This applies if there are special circumstances to justify submission of the application in Hungary, or if the purpose of stay exceeding ninety days within a 180-day period is research activity or if lawfully residing in the territory of Hungary as a national of the states listed in Annex II of Regulation 2018/1806 (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council, or together with such third-country national as a family member. The special circumstance referred to above shall, in particular, cover any event related to medical treatment, family reunification or occupational activity that has occurred for reasons beyond the third-country national’s control, that prevents the submission of the application at a place normally prescribed under general provisions set out by law.
  • As of 1 January 2019, natural person clients residing in Hungary or their authorised legal representatives may submit an application for a residence permit (extension) electronically via Enter Hungary.

Application fees and indicative processing time

  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure for issuing a residence permit is EUR 60, payable at the diplomatic mission of Hungary primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, or in exceptional cases in the legal tender of the state where the application is submitted.
  • The administrative service fee charged for the procedure is HUF 18,000 if submitted in Hungary.
  • The competent immigration authority shall adopt a decision concerning the application within 21 days.

The maximum period of stay under each type of authorisation

  • The validity of residence permit for the purpose of gainful activity is maximum 3 years, and it may be extended by maximum 3 additional years at a time.

Conditions for any available extensions or renewal

  • The application for extension of the residence permit shall be submitted in person at the regional directorate of the immigration authority of jurisdiction by reference to the place of accommodation of the applicant 30 days before it expires at the latest, with the necessary documents attached.  The third-country national can also submit the application for extension of the residence permit electronically via Enter Hungary.
  • At the time of submitting the application, the applicant shall produce his/her valid travel document.
  • The fee charged for the extension of a residence permit is HUF 10,000.


Rules regarding accompanying dependents

A residence permit for the purpose of family reunification may be issued to a third-country national:

  • who is a family member of a third-country national in possession of a residence permit, immigration permit, settlement permit, interim permanent residence permit, national permanent residence permit, EC permanent residence permit or a holder of a residence card or a permanent residence card in accordance with specific other legislation or a Hungarian national (hereinafter referred to as ‘sponsor’);
  • who is a family member of a person with refugee status or who has been granted subsidiary protection status (the spouse of a person with refugee status may be issued a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification if their marriage was contracted before the entry of the person with refugee status into the territory of Hungary);
  • who is the parent of an unaccompanied minor with refugee or subsidiary protection status, or, in the absence, the minor’s legally appointed guardian;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the supported parent of a person with refugee status;
  • who is a sponsor, or his/her spouse, or the sibling or relative in direct line of a person with refugee or subsidiary protection status, if they are unable to take care of his/her needs due to health reasons.

More information can be found on the residence permit for the purpose of family reunification on this link.


Available review and/or appeal procedures

  • In case of refusal, the decision may be appealed within 8 days of delivery, submitted to the authority of first instance, or at the Hungarian diplomatic or consular mission where the application was submitted. If the applicant introduces any new evidence in the appeal, of which he/she was aware before the decision was adopted, or if the appeal is lodged without showing cause, the authority of first instance shall dismiss the appeal without any examination as to merits. The administrative service fee for the appeal is EUR 20 if submitted at a diplomatic or consular mission, payable primarily in EUR or other convertible currency, exceptionally, in the currency of the state where the application is submitted, or HUF 5,500 if submitted in Hungary, payable by way of electronic payment instrument (bank card) or in the form of bank deposit (using the cheque supplied by the regional directorate). In the “comment” box the client’s name and date of birth, and the case type “Residence Permit Appeal” shall be indicated.


Relevant laws of general application pertaining to the entry and temporary stay of natural persons

  • Act CL. of 2016
  • Act II. of 2007


Further information