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EU Immigration Portal
Which ministry has overall responsibility? Ministry of the Interior
The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for public administration, asylum, migration and integration, internal security, border protection and e-Government.
Department for Asylum and Migration Policy
Foreign Police Service
Refugee Facilities Administration
Are there other ministries involved?
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is responsible for social and labour policy, employment, social security, occupational safety and health, equal opportunities, migration and integration of non-EU citizens and the European Social Fund.
Labour Offices at the district level
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for a foreign policy. An issuing of visas for a stay up to 90 days (i.e. short-term visas) falls under the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as well.

Diplomatic missions abroad
What are the implementing agencies? N/A

Are there general immigration policy papers?

Strategy on Migration Policy of the Czech Republic (in Czech)

Policy on Integration of Foreign Nationals – In Mutual Respect (in Czech)

State Integration Programme

The Czech Government's Migration Policy Principles (in English)

The National Strategy of Combatting Human Trafficking in the Czech Republic for the Period of 2016-2019 (in Czech)

2014 National Schengen Plan for the Period 2014-2020

Are there impact assessments, studies and reports available?

Annual Report on the Situation in the Area of Migration and Integration of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic (in Czech)

EMN Annual Policy Report (in English)

Annual Status Report on Trafficking in Human Beings in the Czech Republic (in English)

What is the key legislation?

Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic and on amendments to some Acts, as amended

Act No. 216/2002 Coll., on the Protection of the State Borders of the Czech Republic and on amendments to some Acts, as amended.

Act No. 325/1999 Coll., on Asylum, as amended

Act No. 221/2003 Coll., on the Temporary Protection of Foreign Nationals, as amended

Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, as amended

Act No. 186/2013 Coll., on the Citizenship of the Czech Republic and on amendments to some Acts

What are the national scientific research and statistical offices on immigration? Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs

Czech Statistical Office