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EU Immigration Portal

Which ministry has overall responsibility?

Ministry of Interior

The Ministry of Interior is responsible for policies related to public security and order and for guaranteeing the regular exercise of rights.

Department for civil liberties and immigration (in Italian)

The Department for civil liberties and immigration is, within the Ministry of Interior, responsible for immigration, asylum, citizenship and religious beliefs.

With regard to immigration, the activities of the Department are carried out by the following Directorates:

Central Directorate for Civil Rights, Citizenship and Minorities (in Italian)

Central Directorate Immigration and Asylum Policy (in Italian)

This Directorate is responsible for developing, adopting and implementing immigration and integration policies. It coordinates and monitors the activity of the "Territorial Councils for Immigration", which operate within the Prefectures.

Central Directorate of Civil Services for Immigration and Asylum (in Italian)

The activity of this Directorate revolves around the reception of, and assistance to, irregular migrants on the one hand, asylum seekers and refugees on the other.

Department for Public Security (in Italian)

This Department is responsible for maintaining order and public security. The Directorates directly dealing with immigration are the following.

This Directorate deals with immigration and is responsible for border control and the fight against irregular immigration.

Are there other ministries involved?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of implementing the Government's foreign policy.

Diplomatic missions abroad
Missions abroad issue visas to non-EU citizens.


Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (in Italian)

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies is responsible for developing labour policy and supporting employment and social security policy. It also analyses foreign manpower needs and integration policies.

In order to foster integration, the Directorate General for Immigration and Integration Policy was entrusted with a series of competences amongst which: socio-economic integration of third country nationals; measures against racism and discrimination; and protection of foreign minors and unaccompanied minors.

What are the implementing agencies?

The Offices of the Ministry of Interior which deal with immigration matters are:

The Prefectures (Prefettura):

  1. Territorial Councils for Immigration
    At local level, the Territorial Councils for Immigration monitor the needs of immigrants in order to facilitate their social inclusion. They also coordinate initiatives for immigrants that are carried out within the Provinces.
  2. One-Stop-Shop for Immigration
    The One-Stop-Shops within the prefectures of each province deal with procedures concerning non-EU citizens such as leave to enter for work reasons, residence permits and family reunification.

Immigration Offices at Police Headquarters (“Questura”):

The Bureau for non-EU citizens at the Police Headquarters deals with the issue and renewal of residence permits and tackling of irregular migration.

Are there general immigration policy papers? For the year 2016, a road map for the reception of migrants and asylum seekers was elaborated by the Ministry of the Interior. Read the Reception Programme 2016 (in Italian). Another programme was drafted in 2017. Read the national programme for the integration of beneficiaries of international protection.
Are there impact assessments, studies and reports available?

A wide range of studies and reports are available on the Government’s websites:

Ministry of the Interior

Migrant Integration portal (in Italian)

Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (in Italian)

What is the key legislation?

Single Act on Immigration: Legislative Decree 286/1998, 25 July 1998.

The consolidated version of the Single Act covers the relevant legislation relating to immigration, asylum and integration.


Other important pieces of legislation:

Law 132 of 1 December 2018 on urgent matters relating to international protection and immigration, and public security.

Law 91 of 5 February 1992 on the new law regarding the Italian citizenship.

Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 May 2011, Defining the types of entry visas and the requirements for granting them.

Presidential Decree 179/2011, 14 September 2011, covering the regulation on the Integration Agreement between foreign nationals and the State.

Decree Law 145/2013, 23 December 2013, easing the treatment of visa and residence permit application for the creation of innovative start-ups as well as for research and studies.

Law 199 of 29 October 2016, introduced measures to contrast illegal work, the exploitation of labour in agriculture.

Law 46 of 13 April 2017 introducing urgent provisions to speed up proceedings relating to international protection and for the fight against illegal immigration.

What are the national scientific research and statistical offices on immigration?

Italian National Statistical Institute (ISTAT)

Statistical data on immigration are available also on the website of the Ministry of Interior (in Italian)