The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs is responsible for foreign policy and of the promotion of international economic relations, cooperation and humanitarian action. Thus, the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs is also the Minister for Immigration and Asylum.
The Directorate for Immigration is composed of different units, including the Foreigners’ Department, the Refugees’ Department and the Return Department:
The Foreigners Department processes applications in relation to the free movement of persons (citizens of the European Union and EEA citizens and their family members) and the entry and residence of non-EU nationals.
The Refugees’ Department registers and processes applications for international protection and decides upon them.
The Returns Department executes the returns decisions issued against irregular staying migrants.
Diplomatic missions abroad are responsible for issuing visas to non-EU citizens and helping nationals who are in need.
Are there other ministries involved?
Minister for Immigration and Asylum
The competence of the Minister for Immigration and Asylum have been defined in article 1 (2) IV of the Grand Ducal Decree of 5 December 2018 regarding the constitution of Ministries:
European, National and International Policy on Immigration and Asylum
Free movement of persons and immigration: Entry and Stay of Foreigners
International and temporary protection: Return of irregular staying migrants
Granting of stateless status
Travel documents for third-country nationals
Relations with international and NGO organisations
Detention Centre
Luxembourg Reception and Integration Agency – Reception centres for international protection applicants – reception facilities for immigrants
The Ministry is responsible for implementing national policy in the field of employment and labour and coordinates related activities i.e. development and implementation of policies in the field of employment and regulating labour laws and professional relations.
The Ministry implements and coordinates social policy on a family level and the reception and integration of third-country nationals, through the Luxemburg Reception and Integration Agency, OLAI as well as matters on a Grand Region level.
Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth
The Ministry is responsible for developing and implementing policies in the field of primary and post-primary education, vocational training and lifelong learning.
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
The Ministry is responsible for developing and implementing policies on university and higher education. As such, it is responsible for policies regarding public research and scientific and technological cooperation. Also, it is responsible for the recognition and homologation of third-country higher education diplomas.
STATEC is an institute under the authority of the Ministry of Economy. It has scientific and professional independence. STATEC establishes its working program in accordance with the national and European scientific legislation, producing and disseminating information in a neutral manner.